Transitional Home
“…who made this happen? Not my relatives, not my friends, not my doctor and not my spouse....These people were total strangers to me, but their commitment and patients means a lot to me. I'll thank them for the rest of my life.”
A Resident Speaks Out
“It seemed I had two equally unappealing options: make the marriage work and duck the punches or leave everything behind and run.“
Stepping Stone
“Having lived many years with a person who didn't really care for me or my feelings, Armagh made me feel secure with my son, at a time when I had literally no one to call my own in Canada.”
A Special Christmas
“ It wasn’t what was given to us that touched our hearts, but the overwhelming feeling to see how much time and work that was put into giving us women a Christmas…”
More Than A Shelter
“Life in Armagh was a feeling of security a feeling that I am not alone and that someone was there all the time when I felt I needed to talk my heart out. “
We Were Blessed
“Armagh was more grounded with a lot of support and programs for the kids and they put my boys in summer camp…”
Finally Living
“I felt at ease and loved the whole idea behind this establishment, how they rebuild your self esteem before send you back to the world again, how they really genuinely care about the women and understand how it's sensitive to those women to find the support first and hold their hand step by step until they feel ready to go their paths”
Moving to Armagh
“When I moved in, the arms of the staff at Armagh were wide open and welcoming. The staff taught me and helped me cope with what I was going through.”
Student Support Staff
“My experience at Armagh was nothing short of exceptional. Every day I was happy to come in knowing that I was making a positive impact, and being a good role model for the children residing there.”
Becoming Independent
“The biggest change in me is that I now believe in myself and no one can take that away from me. “
Rebuilding Lives
“…had I not had the opportunity to stay at Armagh I would have gone back to the abusive relationship.”
A Grateful Resident
“Armagh staff supported me 100%. They both helped me to see that I was putting domestic violence in the past. That I was choosing a violence free-future and that I had a right to choose safety for myself and my other children.”
I Broke the Cycle
“I was alone, depressed, scared, broken, and most of all unsure of what the future held for my children and myself…”
Additional Resident Quotes
Statements upon entering Armagh, what they needed:
Safety, support with child, support with independent living
Safety, support and look at building her career
Learn to live independently and build self-esteem. Never lived on their own before
Wants out of current city, wants support with custody access and support and a safe place to stay
Wants to go back to school in a sable setting with her and child
Wants to be in a supportive and safe environment
Safe space, bad credit, less stressful, wants kids in her full time care
Extra support for her and children before settling into the community
Children need more stability and a home setting
Needs more confidence, wants to take English classes, support with child
Needs time to collect herself, counselling and citizenship
Rent geared to income and programs
Needs own space, afford to buy things, live independently, supports
Cannot find affordable rent, in school and needs extra support in order to continue her degree to support her and child
Needs extra support in all aspects of life, life skills, finish high school, immigration
Statements upon leaving Armagh, what helped during their stay:
having a safe and secure place
Art therapy and counselling
Housing applications, searches, support letters
Returning to school (helped with registration fee and applications)
School supplies (backpacks full of school stuff for my kids and gift cards so I could buy them new shoes)
Community referrals, I did not know I about this (food banks, active assist, summer camps, legal aid)
Moving help, my move was less stressful knowing movers would move everything for me and I could take everything in my apartment. I needed help for my rent, I had no beds and movers were expenses. Armagh helped me with all this (movers, rent, beds)
Confidence, helped support me through rough days, have faith in myself, believed in me
For the first time in years felt stress free
Support during the court process and knowing they will still come to court with me until its finished
They were there for me when nobody else was and I can’t express the amount of help they have provided me with for so many things
Helped me let go of all the pain and bitterness and make proper plans for my children’s and my future
The help I received enabled me to successfully complete my second year post-secondary education
Helping with childcare, housing, finding a lawyer, all supplies for the apartment
The variety of support programs and talking with other women who have gone through the same situations
Children’s programs and support from the child and youth worker
Coping strategies for myself and children