A Special Christmas

Dear Armagh 

I would like just to start off by saying thank you. I truly felt it was more than enough that we have a safe and wonderful place to live in and with supports all around. When the holidays was coming up or any special occasions that is upcoming, it is hard to think of being alone for the holidays or the stress of living up to expectations for your kids. Having school aged kids and thinking about how they would feel. Worrying about not being able to give them a Christmas that was like the prior years, just because life is a bit different now is scary. 

Armagh have given my son and I and a lot of women and children a Christmas we won’t forget. It wasn’t what was given to us that touched our hearts, but the overwhelming feeling to see how much time and work that was put into giving us women a Christmas, either we never had or could never imagine our situations. It brought us to tears knowing how many kind hearted people are around us, community and sonsors, it is a big step in gaining independence. Knowing the world isn’t a scary place and not all people hurt others and mostly, that we are not alone. During our holiday dinner, we were all talking about the previous year and new year’s resolutions. All of us agree that being able to leave our abusers and being here at Armagh to heal is one of our most memorable and peaceful times. Our news year’s resolution is to continue being strong and move forward in life with no fear of being women with goals and determination. Us women will never forget the kindness that was bestow on us during our stay here and the support and words of wisdom wills tay with us forever. I know in the future, what I really want to do is be able to give back what I can, to Armagh. Even if I couldn’t physically be able to be there to help. I know what it is like and how the little things in life can make you and others happy. Armagh gives more than a safe roof over our heads; it’s a start of a new and brighter beginning for a lot of us. I wish to see Armagh continue to grow and develop as it helps so many women and children put their lives together. Thank you for Armagh and everyone who helps make it possible. 

Love PT


Stepping Stone


More Than A Shelter