What We Do
Women often remain in abusive environments because they have no family support, financial means or housing.
As a transitional supportive housing facility, we offer a safe and supportive environment for abused women, with or without children.
Transitional Supportive Housing
Transitional housing is conceptualized as an intermediate step between emergency crisis shelter and permanent housing. It is a more long-term, service-intensive and private than emergency shelters. It is meant to provide a safe, supportive environment where residents can overcome trauma, begin to address the their trauma, and begin to rebuild their support network.
At Armagh, we provide:
Safe and affordable, temporary housing, for an extended period of time
Emotional support and ongoing counselling from on-site, qualified staff
Practical support, as well as accompaniment, for family/criminal court, including legal information, advocacy and resources
Transitional support for up to one year and sometimes beyond after the women leave Armagh and move into permanent housing
Group facilitation on issues such as, but not limited to, living independently, self-esteem, parenting as a single parent, budgeting and other educational programs
Our modern, self-sufficient furnished apartments can accommodate nine women and their children. Additional facilities for residents include laundry, a children’s play area, youth room and a computer room with internet access
How are women referred?
Women come to Armagh through referrals from an emergency shelter or from the Peel Children’s Aid Society Domestic Violence Team.

Supportive counselling
Individual and group counselling
Safety plans
Life skills
Parenting/Active Parenting Now
Conflict resolution
Expressive Art Therapy
Emergency First Aid and CPR
Homework Assistance
Follow up support services for up to one year once the women move into the community
Healthy body, healthy mind
Understanding your emotions
How to channel your anger
How to help keep yourself less vulnerable
Emotions: What to do with them
Art Therapy
Referral, information and advocacy
Including but not limited to:
Income Assistance
Education Programmes
Parenting Support resources
Social and recreational programs for women and children