Our Supporters
Funding Partners
Armagh is truly grateful for the generous cash and in-kind donations it receives from our caring community. You are truly helping our women and children rebuild their lives free from violence.
This listing recognizes donors who made a gift of $1,000 or more since January 2022.
7&10 Bingo Association
Ahsan Hussain
Arch Partners Inc.
Arianna Sawh
Arora Family Foundation
Association of Image Consultants International in Canada
Bank of Montreal
Bobby & Vinita Mongia Family Foundation
Bradley Grant – John Grant Haulage Ltd.
Brendan Killackey
Caleb Gawne
Cathy Haugrud
Chandos Construction Ltd.
Chris & Toni Taves
Christine Yorke
Clarkson Community Church
Colleen Routh
Cooksville Lions Club
Corinne Cory
David Vincent
Diane Brooks
Faheem Tejani
Food, Health, and Consumer Products of Canada
Garry Bassan
Halton-Peel Dental Association
Hilditch Architect
Hockey Helps the Homeless – Peel
Holly Frontiers
Iona Catholic Secondary School
Jennifer Chiaravalloti
Joe Horneck
John McKenna & Kim Barrett
Julie Semak
Karen Peladeau
Katrina Samson
Keith & Ester D’Silva
Knights of Columbus St. Christopher’s
Kodak Lens Cloverdale Eyecare – Dr. Tracy Wong & Associates
Laurie McPherson
Marcie Costello Photography
Mississauga Charitable Gaming Association
Mississauga Food Bank Support Association
Naseem Hudani
Nelly Gong
Nina Gandhi
Outcome Metric Asset Management
Pacific Paving Ltd.
Patricia Comartin
Paul Neufeld
Peel Elementary Teachers’ Local
Peel Regional Labour Council
Petro-Canada Lubricants Inc. (PCLI)
Rashmi Khosla & Neil Manji
RBC – Social Impact
Reema Zuberi
Robert Watson
Robin Prihar
Rohan Kothari & Aditi Khandelwal
Ron Black
Rotaract Club of Mississauga
Rotary Club of Mississauga West
Rotary Club of Streetsville
Royal LePage – Planation Place
Royal LePage Shelter Foundation
Sabourin Family Foundation
Secord Family Charitable Foundation
Sharon Cuthbertson
SHS Consulting
Sleep Country
St. Ilija Macedonian Orthodox Church
St. Stephen’s Presbyterian Church
Streetsville Overseas
Streetsville Pipes & Drums
Suzanne Friemann
Tara Lane Fund
The DaCosta Family
The Frank Fowler Foundation
The Lions Club of Mississauga Credit Valley
Tony Manastersky
Trinity Presbyterian Church
Troop Impact Inc.
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