Student Support Staff

Being at Armagh was the best learning opportunity for me. At Armagh, I had the opportunity to work with staff that was professional, experienced, extremely supportive, and all around amazing. Each day at Armagh, I was able to witness the unconditional support, and empowering work that was committed by the front-line staff. The staff were quick to have me involved with the work they were doing, and letting me be exposed to the sensitive subjects that is the reality of the demographic they support. My experience at Armagh was nothing short of exceptional. Every day I was happy to come in knowing that I was making a positive impact, and being a good role model for the children residing there. Being a male at Armagh can be an intimidating experience at first, as I was working with women who have fled abuse that was perpetrated by another male. But with the supportive staff, this was a hurdle that was easy to get over without any transference from residents. As a learning professional, I was always looking for extra opportunities to learn; Armagh provided me with resources and public opportunities to learn more. Being involved with the International women’s day campaign and a conference discussing facilitations of youth groups, provided myself with learning and professional connections. 

Armagh has really shown me how much of an impact a few people can have on so many. It is because of everyone working there, that the women and their children residing here can call this place a home. Even if it is for a short while. The seven months that I was able to spend at Armagh will be some of my fondest memories. The growth I saw in others, and myself was an enlightening experience. Armagh will forever be an organization I support, as they continue to impact the lives of women and children from all over.


Moving to Armagh


Becoming Independent